Pocket Money Polishes

Email: pocketmoneypolishes@gmail.com Twitter:@PocketMPolishes Instragram:@FrostFromFire

A is for Angles

Welcome to the NEW AtoZ challange aka A2Z – as you can see this time we have prompts for each letter of the alphabet! For this prompt I instantly thought of models and photographers – the idea of “work those angles” so I convinced myself to do a bit of freehand for an accent and then have some fun with the other nails. I am not the best at freehand but hey, practise makes perfect right?


I started with two thin coats of OPI Mod about You which is my favourite pale pink of all time – I think it is part of the core line but has just been re-released as part of this years Charity Breast Cancer duo. I had a quick google for some reference poses and painted my model silhouette in acrylic paint over a stamped lattice pattern from MoYou XL 01. I think she looks kind of humanoid… right?

For my second accent I added a mix of clear and black angular shaped rhinestones from my wheels – this is rectangles, triangles, squares and diamonds… all the angles! To keep them really 3D looking I didn’t use the topcoating them in method – if you want to do this and still have that longevity then use a small amount of nail glue on the bottom of each piece to hold in place!


Finally, for my index and pinky I used some zig zag nail guides (you could use vinyls or free hand) to apply OPI Sparke De Triomph which is a champagne coloured glitter mix; I removed the stickers while the paint was still very wet to give me clean lines. I then outlined my line with a striping brush and some black paint – MAKE SURE YOU LET YOUR PAINT DRY BEFORE YOU TOPCOAT (I was gutted with my smearing)!!! I had a lot of fun with this design trying out different things and working my angles! I must be honest this isn’t a design I would do on both hands to wear out although you could make things easier by making a decal for the model or using vodka transfer method to use a printed image, however, I am definitely liking the zig zags and think they might well pop up again in future designs. I’d love to know what you think about my interpretation and what you would have done – so please leave me a comment below!

Check out the other bloggers designs by clicking on the froggie here:


For the complete A2Z Archive head over to the hubpage HERE.  

22 comments on “A is for Angles

  1. Kairi
    October 30, 2014

    I was kind of dyslexic and also read angels XD, but I’ll have angles up around afternoon or so.
    Your accent nails look really nice ❤

  2. Lisa N.
    October 30, 2014

    These are cute. I like the chevrons.

  3. penny pinching polish
    October 30, 2014

    These are so cute hun! I really like the zig zags 😀

    ps. if you want your lines to be SUPER clean, it’s better to put the glitter down first, then use the cream over it, especially if there are larger bits in the glitter. Of course, that only works if you’re cream’s opaque enough though 😀 xx

    pps – how’s the formula on Mod About You? I’m on the lookout for a new pale pink and this looks perfect, plus 2 thin coats is nice for a pale pink! xxx

    • pocketmoneypolishes
      October 30, 2014

      The glitter did go on first (I am just rubbish with a striping brush). Mod About You has a fine formula – two pretty easy coats 😀

  4. Tracey
    October 30, 2014

    Looking good to me? Love your model silhouette, and the pink polish is lush 🙂

  5. MO
    October 30, 2014

    Love the “work those angles” interpretation – it’s brilliant!
    I assumed you’d stamped the model from the first picture. It’s brilliant. x

  6. Rainbowify Me
    October 30, 2014

    Really cool – I love what you did with the stones too! 🙂

  7. Simply Into My NAILS
    October 30, 2014

    I love everything about this gorgeous manicure!!!

  8. These have so much of a 60’s feel to them I love it!!

    • pocketmoneypolishes
      October 31, 2014

      Aww thank you! Someone said they looked a bit like Charlie’s Angels nails… I could go for that 😀

  9. themisspw
    October 31, 2014

    What are the prompts? I tried to look them up because I would like to follow along!

    • pocketmoneypolishes
      October 31, 2014

      We haven’t posted the list anywhere but the blogger group. If you would like to join in drop me a message on facebook and I’ll add you 🙂

      • themisspw
        October 31, 2014

        Ok! I’ll look for you! Thanks so much 🙂

      • pocketmoneypolishes
        October 31, 2014

        You should be able to message me through the Pocket Money Polishes facebook 😀 let me know if you have any problems, would be great to have you involved.

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