Pocket Money Polishes

Email: pocketmoneypolishes@gmail.com Twitter:@PocketMPolishes Instragram:@FrostFromFire

Pocket Money Polishes and Sally Magpie’s Presents: The Tenner Challenge (Part 2)

Hello, hello! Welcome to the sequel to yesterdays blog post, for those of you who missed it (shame on you, go back and check it out!) I posed the question: what would you spend £10 on and the budget restriction turned into a bit of a challenge for the Brit Bloggers! I hope you’re all ready for some more great tips and the exciting finale, it really is a good one! 

Bathelen from Bathelen Nails

What would I buy with £10 pocket money?

When the lovely Charlie at Pocket Money Polishes asked me this question I thought it would be easy – then I realised that I just bought a bottle of Zoya Pixie Dust for a tenner the other day as an end-of-exams treat, and that would make for a very short paragraph. So the thinking cap went on, and this is what I came up with:

Barry M Gellies: I only have one Barry M Gelly so far and I’m not even sure I like the colour 100% (Papaya is the pink in the picture) but having seen the swatches for the new summer Gellies I know I definitely need one or two of these for my beach holiday in June – probably the lime green Key Lime or the bright blue Guava, at around £3.99 each.

George @ASDA glitter polish: Usually I am not a fan of Asda’s cheap polishes as I find them watery, but handy if you need a colour for nail art quickly and cheaply, like a bright blue or something. But their glitter is amazing! Last time I had on their silver glitter I had so many people asking where I got my nails done! It is very glitter heavy and pretty opaque; my favourite one is the blue with some hot pink in it, as when you wear it over black it looks like space! So I would buy another one of these at around £2-£3.

PERCY PIGS!: when I was a kid there was no way I would go into town to spend my pocket money without picking up a bag or two or Percy Pigs, and this ritual still stands. I have a bag in my office drawer and a bag in my kitchen cupboard – I am never too far from a Percy Pig! So although this isn’t polish related,  it is exactly what I would spend my pocket money on!

£2 left over … what can I buy for £2 that I would want? *thinks* I would probably wait until Fragrance Direct got more variety of the £1.99 Essie’s back in stock, and then go nuts  I don’t have many Essie polish but never say no to a bargain like that! Either that or I would forgo the Percy Pigs for their £3.99 OPIs … nahh!

I think Percy Pigs are a good shout – a girl needs to keep her energy up while nail arting! 

Lou from Tips and Topcoat

Hi all,
My name is Louise or Lou , I am the owner of www.tipsandtopcoat.com, you will find a lot of nail art over there, which is what came to making me decide on this subject. When I first started nail art, I went for cheap essentials, most of which I still use now! I thought I would share what nail art tools would help any new artists, within a £10 budget!

First of all brushes – best place is Ebay, I get 3 for 99p from HK- HERE
Next up paints, I started with a 12 pack of 12ml for £2.25 – HERE

Besides these, I buy a large 75ml in black and white priced at 95p each – HERE and HERE

Next up dotting tools, I don’t use these often but I have some just incase – again ebay is great for this  99p – HERE

The reason for the larger paints is black will be used a lot for outlining, and white is perfect for mixing, lighting shades and so on. These two are used in every piece of art I do. The 12ml paints are perfect because you really only need a little bit, adding water on the palette thins them and makes them easier to use.

All of the above comes to £6.13!! All of which is needed and will last a long time  make sure to seal in your paint with a topcoat or it will just wash off.
Have fun & happy painting
A huge thank you to Charlie for giving me this opportunity.
I hope I have helped you all.
Lou xx

Charlie/Charlotte from PocketMoneyPolishes: 

So, finally my turn, I probably should have prepared an answer. Oops. I think I am going to go a slightly different way from the other bloggers, I think I am going to pick an expensive polish because I’m worth it! When a blogger desperately wants a polish we refer to it as a ‘lemming’ and my lemming is Essie Penny Talk. This is a beautiful rosey coppery polish with a glowing metallic finish, I would show you a picture but since I don’t own the polish I don’t have one 😦 It retails for £7.99 so pretty much blows the budget, especially as I have not been able to find it in a store so I would have to pay for postage too. Since this dream has not come true for me yet, I will also share with you what I did spend £10 on the other day!

colorclub colorclub2

I popped into TK MAXX as I had been seeing a lot of posts about them having Color Club polish sets, this is a brand I have read a lot about but have never tried. Sure enough, tucked behind various products and packages was a boxset of 6 glittery polishes and a clear top coat for £7.99. The packaging was actually too big for my light box so I have taken the polishes out to photograph, these are from the Back Stage Pass Collection from 2011 and as you can see are really fun glitters of different shapes and sizes. I have shaken up the pink one since photographing and it looks very similar to Models Own Hot Stuff. I haven’t tested these polishes out yet but TAADDAAA. With my £2 remaining I bought a large bag of picknmix which were readily feasted upon by the family, I managed to rescue my parma violets though.

I have been so excited about this last bit and it has been a small nightmare trying to keep it a secret (ask anyone, I am crap at surprises). This blog post just started with me wanting to share with you the things bloggers would buy on a small(ish) budget but once I spoke to the lovely Sally from Sally Magpie’s it developed into something more, a challenge, which she would sponsor with a £10 voucher as the prize!

How would you like the chance to win a £10 voucher to spend on polish at the Sally Magpie’s online store? (I’m sorry but this is UK entrants only due to mean postal rules).

What do you have to do? Tell me how you would spend your £10 pocket money – it can be something you have longed to buy, something you couldn’t live without from your stash, 10 £1 items or 1 £10 item… anything! Part One gives some great ideas from some of the lovely Brit bloggers! I plan on collecting all the answers together for a page on this blog so there is method in my madness and your answers will be kept!

Email your answers to: pocketmoneypolishes@gmail.com and make sure your subject line is ‘The Tenner Challenge’ and you include your full name (feel free to link you blog too) along with your answer, I will email you back asap to confirm receipt. This is open to absolutely anyone in the UK who fancies entering whether you’re just starting out with nail polish or you have a huge collection!

Make sure you’re following Pocket Money Polishes too! And… that’s it!

The winner will be selected randomly on the 31st of May and contacted via the email address used to send me your answer, you will then have 72 hours to accept your prize!

5 comments on “Pocket Money Polishes and Sally Magpie’s Presents: The Tenner Challenge (Part 2)

  1. Bathelen
    May 17, 2013

    Ooh I got my first Colour Clubs at TK Maxx as well, I got the Take Wing Collection which is a collection of glass flecked shimmers – they are stunning!
    Thanks for asking me to take part in this 🙂 x

  2. Mina
    May 17, 2013

    This is the nice kind of post I love 🙂 Great tips and lovely ideas!
    I looked up Essie Penny Talk and… I can see why it’s a lemming for you haha – I’m sure you’ll be able to get it somehow!
    *fingers crossed* 😀

  3. Pingback: Two untrieds over chocolates | Pocket Money Polishes

  4. luv4beautyandnailart
    June 6, 2013

    Nice ones…i want dose paints. Nd intresting read 😊

I love reading your thoughts and will always do my best to reply, thank you!


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